Friday, December 20, 2019

Argumentative Essay On Heaven - 939 Words

Heaven Many people wonder what will happen to them after they die. Will their soul live on, or will they die? Is there a heaven or hell? While there are many myths and legends that can be misleading concerning heaven and how to get there, Christians believe they will go to Heaven after their temporary life on earth. Both the Hebrew word for Heaven (Shamyim) and the Greek word Ouranos â€Å"can mean God’s dwelling place† (â€Å"What is Heaven†). Psalm 103:19 says â€Å"ADONAI (The LORD) has set up His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all† (TLV). God’s children will be praising and worshiping Him for all eternity for His goodness and holiness. Heaven was created at the beginning of time. â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the†¦show more content†¦The Bible says that the path to heaven is narrow and challenging, while the wide path leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14 TLV). The wide path is the easy path of w hat feels right. People on that wide path reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior and follow their own desires. God’s infinite love, however, reaches out even to those on the wide path. He demonstrated His unending love to all when He gave His only perfect Son to give the world everlasting life (John 3:16 TLV). All people, whether or not they have accepted God’s free gift, will die, and when a person dies, his body begins decaying, eventually returning to the dust while his soul immediately enters his eternal abode. The Bible says that all those â€Å"who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake—some to everlasting life, and others to shame and everlasting contempt† (Daniel 12:2 TLV). The Christians’ physical bodies will sleep in the ground until they are resurrected by Jesus at the rapture, while non-Christians will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment and cast into the Lake of Fire (â€Å"What is heaven†). Furthermore, it is no accident in God’s plan about who gets into heaven. Jehovah has prepared a place for those who have put their trust in Him (â€Å"Heaven†). Revelation 21:27 states that â€Å"nothing unholy shall ever enter it, nor anyone doing what is detestable or false, but only those written in the Book of Life† (TLV). Anyone can be saved if he places his trust and faith in Jesus Christ’sShow MoreRelatedMorality And Religion : Morality985 Words   |  4 Pagesreligious belief. In analyzing this presentation, it will show what the writer of this topic is trying to point out to the intended audience or its purpose, while conveying to the readers what morality and religion is. In the beginning of the essay writers Isabelle and Meaghan Miller point out two different moralities, one being secular morality, which they define as â€Å"human logic or reasoning rather than religion†. 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